SPIDER & Scipion Workshop: Image-processing of electron micrographs
Date & Time: November 3-4, 2016, 10:00-18:00
Workshop - CIP-Pool, Schellingstr. 4, ground floor (U3/U6 Universität)
Talks - seminar room HU123 (Schellingstr. 4, basement floor) and lecture hall N020 (LMU main building)
Workshop Outline
In this workshop you will be introduced to single particle techniques for EM and learn about advanced applications of the image processing softwares SPIDER and Scipion. Each day will start with talks by guest speakers about their research in the field of electron microscopy. The following hands-on-workshops will give you the opportunity to practice and apply different software packages for single particle analysis. We will cover topics such as alignment of direct-detector frames, defocus estimation, particle-picking, initial-volume reconstruction and 2D/3D classification. On day 1 of the workshop you will learn and practice the usage of the image processing suite SPIDER. Day 2 will cover the framework Scipion, which integrates several software packages for image processing and their workflows, such as XMIPP, SPIDER, EMAN2, RELION, CTFFIND4.
Thursday, November 3 10:00-12:00
| Dr. Daniel Wilson, LMU Genecenter | HU123 |
Thursday, November 3 | SPIDER Practical | CIP 1 |
Friday, November 4 | Prof. Jürgen Plitzko, MPI of Biochemistry | Kleiner Physikhörsaal N020, |
Friday, November 4 | Scipion Practical | CIP 1 |
Additional instructors in the practicals: Hana Nedozrálová, Martin Polak, and Sudhir Kumar Pal.
Registration deadline: October 31.
There is no participation fee. The practicals are restricted to a maximum number of 30 participants. You can register for this workshop by sending an e-mail to Susanne Hennig.
Please provide the following information:
1) General information
- prior experience with EM
- institution & supervisor
2) In which part of the event are you interested?
- talks + practicals
- only talks
- only practicals
For further questions, please contact Dario Saczko-Brack.