Macromolecular Systems for Nanoscience - Chemistry, Physics and Engineering Aspects

Book of Abstracts
Scientific Program:
The scientific program consists of lectures focused on nanotechnology aspects of macromolecules, nanostructured polymers, bioconjugates, nanoimaging, engineering of (bio-) interfaces, nanomedicine, including soft matter theory and simulation.
Prof. Joachim O. Rädler
Center for NanoScience (CeNS) & Spokesman of the International Doctorate Program NanoBioTechnology (IDK-NBT)
Prof. Hans-Werner Schmidt
Bayreuther Institut für Makromolekülforschung (BIMF) & Spokesman of the International Study Program Macromolecular Sciences
Program Committee:
Christoph Bräuchle, Andreas Bausch, Erwin Frey, Joachim Rädler, Fritz Simmel (CeNS) and Jürgen Köhler, Hans-Werner Schmidt, Mukundan Thelakkat (BIMF)
Involved Programs of the Elite Network of Bavaria
- International Study Program <link>"Macromolecular Sciences"</link>
- International Graduate School <link>"Materials Science of Complex Interfaces"</link> (CompInt)
- International Doctorate Program <link 14 _blank>"NanoBioTechnology"</link> (IDK-NBT)
The speakers and participants will be lodged in the former Monastery Irsee in single and double rooms. Please indicate the name of the person you want to share a double room in the registration form. Accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee breaks are included in the conference fee.
Kloster Irsee
Tagungs- und Bildungszentrum
Klosterring 4, D-87660 Irsee, Germany
Phone: +49-8341-906-00
Fax: +49-8341-742-78
By plane:
Take plane to Munich Airport. Continue to Kaufbeuren by train (~ 2 h). Take a taxi to Irsee (~ 10 min).
By conference bus:
Conference busses will be organized from Munich to Irsee on Thursday, 6th (departure at 10:30 am from the Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, LMU main building) and back from Irsee to Munich on Sunday, 9th at 12:15 (travel time approx. 1h30). Please indicate on the registration form if you will use the bus (5 EUR will be added for each way).
By car:
Coming from North/West: Autobahn A7 (Ulm-Kempten). From Memmingen take Autobahn A96 in direction to Munich.
Coming from East: Autobahn A96 (München-Memmingen).
Coming from South: Autobahn A96 (Lindau-München).
Take exit “Bad Wörishofen”, direction Kaufbeuren.

Financial Support
The workshop is financed by the Elite Network of Bavaria via the International Doctorate Program NanoBioTechnology and the Study Programme “Macromolecular Science” jointly with the Center for NanoScience (CeNS).
Confirmed Invited Speakers
Roy Bar-Ziv (Weizmann Institute)
Deborah K. Fygenson (UCSB)
Craig A. Grimes (Penn State Univ.)
Stephan Herminghaus (Göttingen)
Karin Jacobs (University of Saarland)
Jan O. Jeppesen (U. South. Denmark)
Yoshiaki Kobuke (Kyoto University)
Ed Kramer (UCSB Santa Barbara)
Klaus Kroy (University of Leipzig)
Mario Ruben (FZ Karlsruhe)
Jürgen Rühe (University of Freiburg)
Thomas Russell (Massachusetts)
Lukas Schmidt-Mende (Cambridge)
Speakers from Bayreuth and Munich
Alexander Böker (Bayreuth)
Enrico Da Como (Munich)
Andreas Fery (Bayreuth)
Thomas Franosch (Munich)
Friedrich C. Simmel (Munich)
Mukundan Thelakkat (Bayreuth)
Workshop Organization:
Dr. Marie-Christine Blüm
Center for NanoScience (CeNS)
Geschwister-Scholl Platz 1
D-80539 Munich, Germany
Phone +49-89-2180 5791
Fax +49-89-2180 5649