CeNS-NIM-SFB486 Winter School 2009
Nanosystems and Sensors
March 1st - 7th, 2009
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This internal Winter School for members of NIM, CeNS and the SFB486 will highlight experiments at the crossroads between Biology, Statistical Physics and Nanofabrication. Topics include the investigation of molecular motors at the single-molecule level, DNA circuits and Darwinian DNA Machines to evaluate models of molecular evolution, advancements in nano-bio-systems requiring the availability of functionalized fluidic biosensors that are capable of high speed and high sensitivity operation and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques. The audience will be composed of graduate students and post-doc researchers of CeNS and NIM, working in the fields of physics, chemistry, biochemistry and life sciences.
Program Committee
The program committee is composed of the following members of CeNS/NIM:
- Jens Michaelis, Dieter Braun, Philip Tinnefeld, Eva Weig (LMU)
- Jonathan Finley, Friedrich Simmel (TUM)
Details about registration and the online registration form are now available here.
Financial Support
Diploma and Master students (CeNS affiliated only) can apply for financial support to participate in the workshop if there is no other means of funding. To apply for support, please send an e-mail to Marie-Christine Blüm stating your status, the group you are working with, and the reason why there is no other financing source.The application must be handed in by January 31st.
Workshop Organization
Nanosystems Initiative Munich &
Center for NanoScience (CeNS)
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
D-80539 München
Confirmed Speakers:
Andreas Bausch (TU Munich)
Dieter Braun (LMU Munich)
Andrew Cleland (UCSB)
Harold Craighead (Cornell Univ.)
Dirk Englund (Harvard Univ.)
Jonathan Finley (TU Munich)
Ulrich Gerland (LMU Munich)
Taekjip Ha (UIUC)
Doris Heinrich (LMU Munich)
Alexander Högele (LMU Munich)
Johan Hofkens (K. U. Leuven)
Günter von Kiedrowski (RUB)
Bettina Lotsch (Univ. of Toronto)
Scott Manalis (MIT)
John Parsch (LMU Munich)
Rob Phillips (CALTECH)
Stephen Quake (Stanford Univ.)
Mark Reed (Yale Univ.)
Petra Schwille (BIOTEC)
Georg Seelig (CALTECH)
Fritz Simmel (TU Munich)
Uri Sivan (Technion)
Maurice Skolnick (Univ. of Sheffield)
Sander Tans (AMOLF)
Eva Weig (LMU Munich)
Achim Wixforth (Univ. of Augsburg)
Workshop Location
St. Christoph
A-6580 St. Anton am Arlberg
Telefon: +43 5446 2627
Telefax: +43 5446 3582