CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Girls Day at CeNS

On the 8th of May 2003 technical enterprises, enterprises with technical departments and technical training facilities, universities and research centres are invited to organise an open day for girls - the Girls' Day.

Through a great variety of events young women are able to gain an insight into working life and get in touch with Human Resources Managers and personnel responsible for traineeships. For this purpose, the participating institutions open their laboratories, offices, workshops, and editorial rooms to give concrete examples that show girls how interesting and exciting this work can be.

At CeNS 25 girls took their chance to talk about the work of a physicist at the LMU and visited labs and cleanrooms . Lab tours were hosted by Sonja Thunessen (LS Rädler), Christine Meyer (LS Kotthaus) and Mojca Vilfan (LS Gaub). Overall organisation was performed by Sonja Thunessen and Eva-M. Natzer.


CeNS was introduced to the pupils by Sonja Thunessen (LS Rädler).
Cleanroom work, presented by Christine Meyer (LS Kotthaus)
Lab tour (S. Thunessen).