CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Leading and Supervising in Science

Date & Time: August 28 & 29, 2014, 10:00-17:30

Place: Room H537, Schellingstr. 4

Workshop Outline

Effective and inspirational leading and supervising in science creates an environment for people to grow beyond what they think is possible and with that allows for hitting new grounds and advances inscience. The process of exploring new ideas can be uncertain and therefore requires not only courage but also patience. As leaders and supervisors we have the opportunity to shape an environment that allows people to deal with uncertainty and challenges as well as celebrate successes to help people grow and develop to their full potential.This two-day workshop will look at how to lead and supervise in science to help supervisees and peers to excel.

Day 1 focuses on leadership and motivation. We will explore your own preferred leadership andmotivation style and infer what you can do to manage and inspire people in line with interests and needs. This includes, for example, finding out what supervisees are capable of and ways to apply different leadership and motivational styles to tap into their potential.

Day 2 concentrates on how to supervise and support your supervisees (e.g. Bachelor and Masterstudents) and also each other in your roles as supervisors. We will look at management tools available to the supervisor that you can use to help not only your supervisees but also each other (including feedback, delegation, coaching and peer consultation tools).

Both days are highly interactive consisting of discussions, exercises and opportunities to practice and apply leadership tools using real-life examples that are relevant to you.


Mirja Fowler is a business psychologist and native speaker of English and German. She has wide experience in learning and development, workshop facilitation, assessment and coaching.



All CeNS Associates can register for the workshop by sending an email to Dr. Susanne Hennig by July 31, 2014.


Maximum number of participants: 10