CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Optimizing Writing Strategies for Getting Research Published in English

Date & Time: October 7 & 8, 2013, 9:00-16:00

Place: Seminar room H206, Schellingstr. 4

Workshop Outline

Excellent scientists need excellent data, but they also need to be able to effectively communicate the results and significance of their research to their peers in the community. Writing good papers is hard work, even for many experienced researchers. Being aware of the criteria that papers must meet and
using the writing process efficiently can make the task easier.

In this workshop, participants will learn about the structural and language norms for research papers published in English. Participants will also be introduced to a variety of strategies that will provide assistance to draft texts more efficiently, to pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses, and to revise them effectively. During the feedback sessions, participants will examine a draft of a text they have
written, as well as text drafts submitted by the other participants. During the two-day workshop, professional input from the trainer will alternate with practical written exercises and discussions of relevant issues.


Day 1:
managing the writing process professionally
understanding the drafting and revision processes
finding a focus by identifying an appropriate research question
creating precise, accurate, and correct sentences
understanding structural and language norms for English research papers
giving and receiving feedback on texts

Day 2:
examining structural relationships within and between sections of a paper
examining participants texts with regard to structure and language, using a variety of feedback strategies
recognizing stylistically adequate and inadequate language


Marcy Scholz, language instructor


All CeNS Associates can register for the workshop by sending an email to Dr. Susanne Hennig by September 6, 2013.

Maximum number of participants: 12