CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Date Speaker Host Location

Prof. Ibrahim Cissé, MPI
of Immunobiology and Epigenetics Freiburg
Super-resolution imaging of transcription in living cells

Prof. Philip Tinnefeld, Prof. Don Lamb, Prof. Thorben Cordes

Wieland Lecture Hall, FU1.013, Butenandtstr. 5-13


Prof. Michele di Pierro, Northeastern University
Landscapes of Genomic Architecture Across Evolution

Prof. Steffen Rulands, Prof. Erwin Frey

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


joint colloquium with Opens external link in new windowSFB1032
Prof. Michael Murrell, Yale University

Reciprocal activity as constraints on the biological production of work

Prof. Erwin Frey

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


Prof. Max Bi, Northeastern University, Boston
Decoding tissue mechanics: Exploring structure, fluidity and dynamic rheological responses

Dr. Friedhelm Serwane, Prof. Erwin Frey

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


Prof. Dmitri Basov, Columbia University
Van der Waals interfaces

Prof. Dmitri Efetov

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


Change of Date - now on Thursday!
Prof. Andrew Mackenzie, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids Dresden

Using uniaxial pressure to both tune and probe quantum materials

Prof. Dmitri Efetov

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


Prof. Andreas Hennig, University Osnabrück
Supramolecular Host-Guest Chemistry with Biomembranes

Prof. Thorben Cordes, Prof. Don Lamb, Prof. Philip Tinnefeld

Wieland Lecture Hall, FU1.013, Butenandtstr. 5-13


Dr. Ferdinand Greiss, Weizmann Institute of Science
Genetic circuits on single DNA molecules, with and without cell-like compartments

Prof. Dieter Braun, Prof. Friedrich Simmel, Prof. Ralf Jungmann

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


joint colloquium with Opens external link in new windowMCQST
Prof. Georgios Katsaros, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Hybrid semiconductor-superconductor devices for majorana zero modes

Prof. Dmitri Efetov, Prof. Jan von Delft, Prof. Ulrich Schollwöck

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


Prof. Val Zwiller, KTH Stockholm
Generation, manipulation and detection of single photons

Prof. Leonardo de Souza Menezes, Prof. Achim Hartschuh, Prof. Alexander Högele

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


jointly organized with Opens external link in new windowSFB1032
Prof. Peter Dedecker, KU Leuven
More informative fluorescence imaging using 'smart' probes and novel instrumentation

Prof. Don Lamb, Dr. Evelyn Plötz

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


Prof. Peer Fischer, MPI for Medical Reserach and Heidelberg University
Parallel fabrication in 3D: From functional nanostructures to 'one shot' holographic assembly of biological cells

Prof. Emiliano Cortés, Prof. Bettina Lotsch

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


Prof. Roland Riek, ETH Zürich
On the potential prebiotic role of peptide amyloids in the origin of life

Prof. Dieter Braun, Prof. Ulrich Gerland, Prof. Petra Schwille

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


jointly organized with Opens external link in new windowSFB1032
Prof. David Lubensky, University of Michigan
Growth, size, and precision in organs and (micro)organisms

Prof. Erwin Frey, Prof. Steffen Rulands, Prof. Benedikt Sabass

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


joint colloquium with Opens external link in new windowMCQST
Prof. Matteo Mitrano, Harvard University
Driven quantum materials under the x-ray spotlight

Prof. Ulrich Schollwöck, Prof. Dmitri Efetov, Prof. Fabian Grusdt

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


Opens external link in new windowRoom Change!
jointly organized with Opens external link in new windowSFB1032
Prof. Roland Wedlich-Söldner, University of Münster
Tetraspanners modulate BAR domain-induced curvature of transporter nanodomains in the yeast plasma membrane

Prof. Erwin Frey, Prof. Claudia Veigel, Prof. Joachim Rädler

Lecture Hall B052, Theresienstr. 39


jointly organized with Opens external link in new windowSFB1032
Prof. Sabina Caneva, TU Delft
Multifunctional nanopores for single-molecule studies

Dr. Amelie Heuer-Jungemann, Prof. Tim Liedl, Prof. Ralf Jungmann

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


CeNS meets Industry

Dr. Susanne Hennig

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


jointly organized with Opens external link in new windowSFB1032
Prof. Ulrich Schwarz, University of Heidelberg
Physics of viruses

Dr. Friedhelm Serwane, Prof. Joachim Rädler

Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik


Dr. Russell Spencer, University of Göttingen
Exploring membrane topology changes: A field-theoretic approach

Prof. Erwin Frey, Prof. Steffen Rulands

LMU Faculty of Physics, Schellingstr. 4, H030

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