Date | Speaker | Host | Location |
19.11.21 |
Dr. Anna Erzberger, EMBL Heidelberg |
Prof. Erwin Frey
Kleiner Physik-Hörsaal N 020, Fakultät für Physik |
12.11.21 |
Nanoscience for Future. Scientific Background on Emissions and Carbon Dioxide Removal |
CeNS and Center for Advanced Studies
Online |
05.11.21 |
joint colloquium with SFB 1032 Prof. Dr. Stefan Hecht, RWTH Aachen |
Dr. Theo Lohmüller, Dr. Oliver Thorn-Seshold, Dr. Bert Nickel
Butenandt-HS, Haus F, Butenandtstr. 1-13, Fakultät für Chemie |
22.10.21 |
joint colloquium with SFB 1032 Prof. Hanadi Sleiman, McGill University |
Prof. Philip Tinnefeld
Online Colloquium |
23.07.21 |
Dr. Loretta del Mercato, CNR NANOTEC Lecce |
Prof. Olivia Merkel
Webinar |
09.07.21 |
Prof. Knut Müller-Caspary, Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen |
Prof. Thomas Bein
Webinar |
02.07.21 |
joint seminar with SFB1032 |
Dr. Friedhelm Serwane
Webinar |
25.06.21 |
joint seminar with SFB1032 |
Prof. Dieter Braun
Webinar |
11.06.21 |
Dr. Alice Pyne, The University of Sheffield |
CeNS Student Representatives
Webinar |
28.05.21 |
joint seminar with |
Prof. Dieter Braun
Webinar |
21.05.21 |
Prof. Stephanie Reich, FU Berlin |
Prof. Achim Hartschuh, Prof. Stefan Maier
Webinar |
07.05.21 |
Prof. Raffaella Buonsanti, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Dr. Emiliano Cortés
Webinar |
23.04.21 |
Prof. Grigory Tikhomirov, UC Berkeley |
CeNS Student Representatives
Webinar |
05.02.21 |
Dr. Andrea Thorn, Universität Hamburg |
PD Dr. Bert Nickel
Webinar |
29.01.21 |
Prof. Benedikt Sabaß, LMU München |
Prof. Joachim Rädler
Webinar |
22.01.21 |
Prof. Markita P. Landry, UC Berkeley |
Dr. Amelie Heuer-Jungemann
Webinar |
15.01.21 |
Prof. Christine Papadakis, TU München |
Webinar |
18.12.20 |
Dr. Ferdinand Greiss, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Prof. Dieter Braun
Webinar |
11.12.20 |
Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer, Research Group Structural and Electronic Surface Dynamics, Fritz Haber Institut, Berlin |
Prof. Alexander Högele
Webinar |
04.12.20 |
Prof. Aleksei Aksimentiev, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Prof. Philip Tinnefeld
Webinar |