CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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CeNS Colloquium

Date: 05.07.2024, Time: 15:30h

Location: Seminar Room, Nano Institute LMU, Königinstr. 10
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Nanophotonics for energy and chemical conversions

Prof. Erik Garnett

Developments in nanophotonics over the past few decades have enabled highly controlled injection of energy into chemical and materials systems with nearly atomic-scale spatial resolution and femtosecond time resolution. This creates highly non-equilibrium states that can unveil new pathways in both chemical reactions and energy conversion processes. In this talk I will describe my group's efforts to use nanophotonic control of light to tune reaction products, rates and mechanisms, using unconventional thermal and non-thermal pathways. In the outlook, I will describe our efforts in combining the nanophotonic control with material learning, with the goal of making intelligent materials and devices.