CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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CeNS Colloquium

Date: 12.11.2021, Time: 15:00h

Nanoscience for Future. Scientific Background on Emissions and Carbon Dioxide Removal

Workshop in cooperation with the Center for Advanced Studies at LMU
Moderation: Prof. Dieter Braun and Prof. Julia Pongratz

The current climate crisis requires to identify new directions of research and political actions. Not only is a closed carbon cycle necessary, but also means to reduce CO2 directly. However, the risks of carbon captures technologies are far away from being calculable. Nanoscientists discuss carbon dioxide removal options together with geoscientists and a stakeholder from Siemens Energy.

3:00-3:25 pm Prof. Julia Pongratz, LMU Geoscience: The carbon budget and need for Carbon Dioxide Removal
3:25-3:50 pm Prof. Andreas Oschlies, GEOMAR: Marine and technological Carbon Dioxide Removal options
3:50-4:15 pm Dr. Volkmar Pflug, Siemens Energy Direct Air Capture to produce climate-neutral fuels
4:15-4:40 pm Prof. Henrike Rau, LMU Rachel Carson Center: Public acceptance of nanotechnology for climate action
4:40-5:15 pm Panel Discussion

The event takes place online via zoom.