CeNS Company Visit - Bain & Company
***Workshop is fully booked ***
April 19, 2018
Bain & Co, Karlsplatz 1, 80335 München
Bain & Company is one of the world's leading management consulting firms. This company visit will give you insight into career perspectives at Bain and in consulting in general.
In a case study, you will get the chance to work hands-on on a typical consulting scenario and to practice your strategic thinking:
Technological progress has increased the development speed of autonomous driving. What sounded like science fiction a few years ago will be reality on the streets in the near future – self-driving cars. The required hardware is already available. It is customers’ acceptance and official regulations that are obstructing the final breakthrough of this technology. Suppliers of the automotive industry are preparing their businesses and are aligning their strategic direction to this attractive market segment of the future. Only the companies that can provide the automakers with the demanded technologies will profit from this disruption. In the workshop, you will get the chance to challenge potential supplier strategies together with the experts of Bain & Company and discuss the latest trends and issues of the automotive sector.
The case study workshop will be followed by a get-together where you will have the chance to find out more about Bain's offices, teams and your individual career opportunities as a PhD student in a relaxed atmosphere. In personal conversations with Bain's Consultants you will be able to learn more about what the company is working on, what they are passionate about and how your future might fits with theirs.
14:00 Company Presentation
15:00 Case Study "Autonomous Driving - Strategy in Uncertainty"
18:00 Get-Together
The number of places is limited. Please register by sending an e-mail including your group, institution and status (including year of your PhD) to claudia.leonhardt