CeNS/SFB1032 Retreat Kleinwalsertal 2024
May 13-16, 2024
Scope of the Retreat
This retreat brings together early career researchers of the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) and SFB1032 in an informal atmosphere. Talks and a poster session will give the graduate students an overview of current research within CeNS and SFB1032. In addition, workshops on transferable skills, career talks and social activities will complement the program.
The retreat takes place at the Marburger Haus in Hirschegg in the beautiful scenery of the Kleinwalsertal.
The Marburger Haus can be reached by train to Oberstdorf and by the Kleinwalsertal bus starting at Oberstdorf station. More detailed directions are to be found here: https://www.marburgerhaus.at/kontakt-info/lage-anfahrt/.
Group Travel to Hirschegg by bus
We will organize a direct bus transfer from Munich to Hirschegg on Monday, May 13 at 2.00 pm and back on May 16. Transfer is included.
Program Committee
The program committee is composed of the CeNS and SFB 1032 student representatives.
We will depart from Munich on Monday, May 13 at 2.00 pm and will return to Munich on Thursday, May 16 around 2.00 pm. The retreat will combine:
- oral presentations by PhD students (20 minutes each). For all participants giving oral presentations, an online pre-workshop on presentation skills will be offered on May 7 (13.00-17.00). In addition, the trainer will be present during the retreat and will be giving individual feedback after the talks.
- poster sessions
- career talks
- workshop 1: Self & time management. Learn proven techniques to improve your productivity and time management skills. Get more done, at higher quality, in less time. It sounds great, right? It works.
- alternative option - workshop 2: Supervision & mentorship. Using insights from educational psychology, you will gain a better understanding of the science of how we learn, and what a learner needs from a mentor at every stage of their journey. Combine this with your own practical experience of being a mentee and take your mentorship skills to the next level.
- round table discussion on mentorship. We are taking some time to find out, from you, CeNS members, about the mentorship you received as part of your trainining. What went well? What could have been better? Do you have any ideas for improving in the future? An external moderator will keep the discussion on track and help you to collect your ideas in the form of a mentorship report, which will be shared with the CeNS board.
- outdoor activities / social activities
The workshop is open to CeNS and SFB1032 associates and is free of charge. The number of places is limited to 25. Please register online by April 26.
We have booked rooms for speakers and participants from Monday to Thursday morning in the Marburger Haus. Rooms with 2-4 beds with shared bathrooms will be at disposal for the participants, and single rooms for speakers.
Workshop Venue
Marburger Haus
Wäldelestraße 16
87568 Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal
Workshop Organization
Dr. Susanne Hennig
Center for NanoScience (CeNS)
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
D-80539 München
Tel: +49-(0)89-2180-5791www.cens.de