Entrepreneurship and Innovation
14.-17.03.2022 (Monday-Thursday)
Instructor: Marco Masia, PhD MBA
The contents of the workshop on innovation and entrepreneurship are designed to support doctoral candidates across all disciplines to develop an enterprising mindset and understand how innovation works. Entrepreneurship, teamwork and networking are elements that are increasingly important for PhD candidates and researchers wanting to succeed in- and out-side of academia, especially for those who see a potential for commercialization in their research work.
Objectives of the course
• Knowledge about innovation and its relation to entrepreneurship
• Knowledge about the hypothesis driven start-up approach
• Fundamental concepts of financial accounting
• Knowledge of how to start a company and access to funding opportunities
Course participants will acquire skills in three competencies areas that constitute the foundations of entrepreneurship:
• Ideas and Opportunities: Spotting opportunities; Creativity; Vision; Valuing ideas; Ethical and sustainable thinking
• Resources: Self-awareness and self-efficacy; Motivation and perseverance; Mobilising resources; Financial and economic literacy; Mobilising others
• Action: Taking the initiative; Planning & management; Coping with uncertainty,ambiguity, and risk; Working with others; Learning through experience
General competence:
• Develop of an enterprising mind-set, which that will allow the participants to create value in any domain and possible value chain (private, public, and third sectors, as well as in any combination of them)
• Can assess the need for, initiate and practice innovation inside and outside of academia
• Can manage interdisciplinary projects and develop innovative ideas and projects
Registration: eveeno.com/831227507
Co-organized by the Munich programs IMPRS-LS, CeNS, CRC235, and LSM.