Nano-Bio-Physics Symposium 2019
"Stretching the boundaries of physics, one molecule at a time"
September 6-7, 2019
Scope of the Symposium
The symposium "Stretching the boundaries of physics, one molecule at a time" will be held at the LMU Munich on September 6 and 7, 2019, coinciding with the approaching retirement and 65th birthday of Prof. Hermann Gaub. It will bring together biophysicists from all parts of the world, amongst them friends, colleagues and collaborators. The program will comprise two days of talks and on Friday evening a casual conference dinner and plenty of room for informal discussions.
The Symposium will start on Friday, September 6th in the morning at 8:30h am with the registration and will end on Saturday night, September 7th.
There will be
· Scientific talks (15 minutes each + 5 minutes discussion)
· Conference dinner on Friday, Saturday evening self-organized and possibilities to meet Prof. Gaub and others at the Chair
· Coffee break with informal poster viewing. We welcome anyone interested to present their work in an informal poster format.
There are hotel rooms in the vicinity of the LMU. We have blocked single and double rooms from 05.09/06.09 to 08.09.2019.
Hotel Carlton Astoria,
Das Hotel,
Hotel Hauser,
Hotel Antares,
Please book directly with the hotels, either by mail or phone call and use the keyword "Festkolloquium". Travel expenses have to be covered individually.
The group block expires July, 2019.
For further questions please contact Sylvia Kreuzer.
Childcare during the symposium is available on request. Please contact Sylvia Kreuzer.

Registration deadline: August 15.
Workshop Venue
LMU Munich
Geschwister-Scholl Platz 1
80799 MunichLecture Hall H030 06.09.2019
accessible via Schellingstr. 4Lecture Hall N120 07.09.2019
accessible via Amalienstr. 54
Program Committee
Administrative Coordination: Sylvia Kreuzer
Confirmed Speakers
Dr. Philipp Baaske, NanoTemper, Germany
Prof. Ed Bayer, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rechovot, Israel
Dr. Kerstin Blank, Max Planck Institute, Potsdam, Germany
Prof. Dieter Braun, LMU Munich, Germany
Prof. Hauke Clausen-Schaumann, Munich University of Applied Science, Germany
Dr. Stefan Duhr, NanoTemper, Germany
Prof. Andreas Engel, University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Evan Evans, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Dr. Niels Fertig, Nanion Technologies, Germany
Prof. Ernst-Ludwig Florin, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Dr. Benjamin Gaub, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Günther Gerisch, Max Planck Institute, Martinsried, Germany
Prof. Kay Gottschalk, University of Ulm, Germany
Prof. Helmut Grubmüller, Max Planck Institute, Göttingen, Germany
Prof. Ulrich Hofmann, University of Freiburg, Germany
Prof. Thorsten Hugel, University of Freiburg, Germany
Prof. Hongbin Li, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Prof. Tim Liedl, LMU Munich, Germany
Prof. Jan Lipfert, LMU Munich, Germany
Prof. Zaida Luthey-Schulten, University of Illinois at Urbana-Chapaign, USA
Prof. Vincent Moy, University of Miami, USA
Prof. Daniel Müller, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Michael Nash, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Roland Netz, FU Berlin, Germany
Prof. Wolfgang Parak, University of Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Tom Perkins, University of Colorado, USA
Prof. Elias Puchner, University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Jürgen Rabe, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
Prof. Joachim Rädler, LMU Munich, Germany
Prof. Manfred Radmacher, University of Bremen, Germany
Prof. Matthias Rief, TU Munich, Germany
Prof. Erich Sackmann, TU Munich, Germany
Prof. Philip Tinnefeld, LMU Munich, Germany
Prof. Viola Vogel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Supported by