CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Leading and Supervising in Science

Date & Time: November 21-22, 2016, 9:00-16:30

Place: Seildvilla, Nikolaiplatz 1b, 80802 München

Workshop Outline

This two-day workshop will look at how to lead and supervise in science to help supervisees and peers to excel. The course will be interactive, also having some lecture sequences and individual coaching sessions. Overall, it aims to provide you with a rich learning experience, reflective parts and group exercises. In addition, workshop participants should share their experience and learn from each other. During the two days we will cover the following topics
- Your motivation and individual leadership style
- How to apply these newly gained insights in every day work situations
- Available management tools to support your work as a scientists going forward (e.g. giving and receiving feedback, approaching conflict situations, motivating staff)

Opens external link in new windowViola Kraus, Sprachraum eG


The workshop is open to advanced CeNS PhD students and postdocs. Please register by sending an email to Dr. Susanne Hennig by October 11, 2016.

Maximum number of participants: 10