CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Research Data Training

November 18, 13.00-15.00h
November 24, 13.00-15.00h
November 26, 13.00-15.00h

Online Workshop

Instructors: Experts from Nature Research's research data training

A 3-module workshop discussing research data sharing and research data policies as part of the manuscript and publication workflow. What do editors and peer reviewers expect, how you can maximise the benefits of data sharing post-publication?

Module 1: Research Data and Your Journal

This module discusses research data from the perspective of journals, editors and peer reviewers. Participants will learn to identify the features and requirements of research data policies, and repositories are introduced as an option for data sharing.

Module 2: Research Data and Your Manuscript

This module introduces the practical measures that authors should take to ensure that they are sharing data appropriately with journal editors, peer reviewers and future readers. Guidance and best practice tips are given on how to write excellent data availability statements and data citations.

Module 3: Research Data and Your Published Paper

Participants will learn about the final steps which are needed to share their research data after manuscript acceptance. Methods for data dissemination and promotion after publication will be outlined, as well as the advantages for authors who choose to share their data openly.

Register here by October 15: https://eveeno.com/136853855


Co-organized by the Munich programs SFB1032, CeNS, CRC235, IMPRS-LS and others