PhD and Postdoc positions at the Center for NanoScience
The Center for NanoScience announces several open fully-funded PhD and postdoc positions at LMU, Deutsches Museum and MPI of Biochemistry. All positions offer excellent reĀsearch and training conditions within the stimulating scientific environment of the Center for NanoScience.
Find out more about tuition fees, salary, housing, degrees, etc. here.
Applications by researchers with handicap will be considered with priority under equal conditions. We welcome applications from female candidates. The possibility of part-time and flexible working hours will be considered.
Application deadline prolonged to February 10, 2025, 12:00 (noon) CET. Please note that incomplete applications and applications that were not submitted in due time will not be considered.
PhD and postdoc projects
Open PostDoc position:
On-Surface Synthesis of 2D Polymers by Photopolymerization
Prof. Markus Lackinger, TUM School of Education and Deutsches Museum
Open PhD positions
Recreating RNA evolution on early Earth
Prof. Dieter Braun, Systems Biophysics at the Faculty of Physics, LMU
Hijacking of immune cells by human parasites
Prof. Benedikt Sabass, Cell Biophysics and Statistical Physics at the Department of Veterinary Sciences, LMU
Active spatial positioning of condensates on membranes by self-organizing proteins
Prof. Petra Schwille, MPI of Biochemistry
High-resolution structural and mechanical studies of molecular motor proteins at the nanoscale
Prof. Claudia Veigel, Cellular Physiology, Biomedical Centre, LMU Munich
Application procedure
In order to apply online, you have to register first. You will then be able to enter your applications details.
PhD and postdoc projects
In your application, you have to select one project that you are most interested in. You can also select a second, alternative project. The available projects are listed on this website.
For your application, you must provide contact details for two referees. Please inform your referees that they might get contacted by us.
Timeline 2025
- February 10, 2025 at 12:00 (noon) CET: Deadline for online applications
- March 1, 2025 (at the latest): Communication of decisions about refusal or invitation to the interview phase
- April-October 2025, or earlier: Start of PhD or postdoc (depending on the individual project)
Please refer to our guide to applicants for more detailed information.