CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Administrative Information

Ten Reasons to move to Germany as a Researcher (article in Nature, March 2019)


Salary and holidays
Doctoral and postdoctoral candidates will be fully funded by the individual research groups and will be employed at the university.
Positions are usually paid according to TV-L/TV-ÖD 13. TV (or TVÖD) stands for Tarifvertrag im Öffentlichen Dienst, the tariff for German civil service employees. The TV tariff determines the salary based on experience and family situation. There is no variability based on negotiation.

TV level 13 (Entgeltgruppe 13) is the usual tariff that doctoral students holding a masters degree qualify for. For a single person, this means a gross salary starting from about €3,010 - €3,472 per month.

Postdocs are paid on the same pay scale as the doctoral students, i.e., TV-L 13. By virtue of having more experience, they will have higher salary though. For a single person this means a gross salary starting from about €4.630 per month.
The Opens external link in new windowTV calculator can help to determine exactly brutto/netto salary, based on experience and family status.

Paid vacation is 30 days per year. In addition, there are 12 official holidays in Bavaria (Christmas, Easter, labor day, etc.).

Student Fees
There are no tuition fees at LMU Munich. To do your PhD you have to be enrolled at the university for at least two semesters. For each semester you will have to pay a student fee of € 85.

Health Insurance
Health Insurance is obligatory and will automatically be deducted from the wage (currently 15.5%). We will assist you with finding a suitable health insurance. 

The normal rent of a 30sqm apartment in Munich is between €850-1,000 minimum. A room in a shared flat amounts to €600 minimum.The university does not provide housing for researchers.

EU-Nationals do not need a visa. More or less every other national needs a so-called national visa (a tourist visa for the interview, but a national visa in order to work here). Please find important information Opens external link in new windowhere. 

Administrative Matters
For administrative matters like residence permit and enrolling at the university we can provide assistance. 

Working language
During your postdoc/PhD the working language will be English. 

German language course
To make you familiar with the German language and culture, you can attend a German course at LMU Munich. 

A large variety of workshops, courses etc. will be offered during your PhD on a voluntary basis. In individual cases (depending on the prior qualifications), PhD students might have to complete some additional courses before being admitted for the PhD.

After successfully finishing your PhD, you will be carrying the title Dr. rer. nat.