Thursday, 10 May, 2007
12 PhD scholarships in NanoBioTechnology
The “International Doctorate Program NanoBioTechnology” funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria offers 12 PhD scholarships at the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) in Munich, Germany starting from October 1st 2007
The Doctorate Program offers a broad, interdisciplinary education and excellent research possibilities in the converging fields of nanosciences and biotechnology. The PhD curriculum includes weekly lectures and seminars, winter schools, workshops, soft skill courses and international exchange programs.
The Candidates should have completed a Master's degree or equivalent with an excellent academic record and research experience in the natural sciences. Prospective applicants should have the agreement of a CeNS member who accepts to host the candidate in his/her group and to act as his/her thesis advisor.
Your Application should include: Cover letter, two letters of recommendation (sent separately), Curriculum Vita, copy of the Master's diploma (or equivalent), statement of research objectives and your motivation for pursuing a PhD in nanobiotechnology (1-1.5 page) as well as a recommendatory letter of your potential thesis advisor from CeNS. Applications should be sent by June 30, 2007 to:
Dr. Moritz Ehrl
Department Chemie u. Biochemie
Butenandtstrasse 5-13, Haus E
D-81377 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49-89-2180-77559
Download Poster Announcement (1MB)
Further Information
International Doctorate Program NanoBioTechnology on the Website