Friday, 14 December, 2007
Crystal-to-Metal - Transformation on the Nanoscale
International cooperation finds clues to Mott's phase transition
Unique "near-field" microscopy at the MPI für Biochemie (Martinsried near
München) allowed, for the first time, viewing on the nanoscale the
spontaneous appearance and growth of metallic puddles that mark the
transition from an electrically insulating material ino an electrically conducting
The research may lead to a better understanding of superconductorsmaterials that
conduct electricity without energy lossor development of better materials for powering
high-speed electronics. (Source: Press release of the MPI of Biochemistry, 13.12.2007)
Original publication:
"Mott Transition in VO2 Revealed by Infrared Spectroscopy and Nano-Imaging", Science 318, 5857,1750 (2007)