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Thursday, 19 February, 2015

GNA Biosolutions leads consortium for ultra-fast detection of Ebola

FILODIAG project for real time Laser PCR diagnosis in less than 15 min

GNA Biosolutions GmbH (GNA), a CeNS spin-off company developing ultra-fast diagnostic instruments for human pathogens, announced today the start of the FILODIAG (Filovirus Diagnostics) project for developing an ultra-fast Ebola detection system based on GNA’s novel Laser PCR technology. GNA is leading a consortium of the Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic), the Istituto Nazionale per le Malattie Infettive “Lazzaro Spallanzani” (Italy) and the Italian NGO EMERGENCY. The Project Number 115844 of this Ebola+ programme will be funded with EUR 2.3 million by the Innovative Medicines Initiative.

Opens external link in new windowPress release GNA Biosolutions