Wednesday, 02 July, 2014
How it all began
1.5 million dollars for evolutionary research for Dieter Braun
The aim of the American Simons Foundation is to promote research in mathematics and on the fundamental questions of natural sciences. In 2014 the foundation set up a new program to support innovative projects which investigate the origin of life.
One project was submitted by the Munich biophysicist and CeNS member Professor Dieter Braun (LMU). He receives 1.5 million dollars for his research on the mechanisms of nonequilibrium statistical physics. These mechanisms can provide an explanation how the first molecules stored and replicated genetic information. Out of 140 applications Dieter Brauns project was one of only 2 that were awarded the funding.
The private Simons Foundation was established in 1994 by the mathematician and billionaire James H. Simons. In the beginning Simons worked as scientist but then changed into the financial sector. Apart from the foundation he supports numerous other research projects and institutes.