Wednesday, 05 May, 2010
Jörg P. Kotthaus elected member of acatech
The General Assembly of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) elected Professor Jörg P. Kotthaus as a new member recommended by the Executive Board.
Prof. Kotthaus is professor of experimental physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München since 1989. In 1998 he initiated and co-founded the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) at LMU München. He served as CeNS spokesman between 1998 and 2006 and successfully coordinated the application and first year of operation of the Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM,, one of the Excellence Clusters funded since 2006 by the Initiative for Excellence of the German government.
About acatech:
Acatech represents technological science in Germany and abroad and advises politics and society concerning future technologies. The academy is a nonprofit organization, financed by the federal and state governments.