CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Monday, 13 February, 2012

PhD Positions in NanoBioTechnology

Call for applications for PhD positions at CeNS


The Munich-based Center for NanoScience (CeNS) announces its 2012 call for applications for PhD positions. Outstanding graduate students from all around the world in the fields of natural sciences and life sciences are invited to submit their application. The PhD positions will start between May and October 2012.

The program offers excellent reĀ­search conditions and multidisciplinary education within the stimulating scientific environment of the Center for NanoScience. 

CeNS is looking for highly motivated applicants with excellent grades and a strong scientific interest who are enthusiastic about the multidisciplinary activities of the doctoral program.

Deadline for applications is February 29th, 2012.

Further information and details about the application process and the available research projects can be found on