CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Monday, 25 June, 2012


Dr. Boris Jovanovic joins CeNS as Extraordinary Member


Boris Jovanovi received his PhD in Toxicology with a co-major in Fisheries Biology from Iowa State University (ISU) in 2011 in Ames, USA. After the PhD, Dr Jovanovi worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia Fisheries Centre as a part of the Sea Around Us Project. In June 2012, Boris was appointed as Research Group Leader at LMU's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. His main research interests are in the areas of aquatic ecotoxicology, aquatic ecosystems & environmental health, as well as nanotoxicology. His current research includes investigations on how environmentally relevant concentrations of nanoparticles modulate immune responses in fish models and how such immunocompromised fish respond to the pathogen infections.