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Monday, 22 December, 2014


Dr. Ralf Jungmann joins CeNS as Extraordinary Member


Dr. Ralf Jungmann studied physics at Saarland University and graduated with a diploma thesis in the group of Prof. Paul Hansma (UCSB) in 2006. He went on to the group of Prof. Fritz Simmel to earn a Ph.D. from the Technische Universität München in 2010. After receiving postdoctoral training at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University in the groups of Prof. Peng Yin and Prof. William Shih from 20112014, Dr. Jungmann began an independent Emmy Noether research group at the MPI of Biochemistry and LMU Munich in December 2014. Dr. Jungmann has received fellowship awards from the DFG, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the DAAD, and from the Elitenetwork of Bavaria.

His research group is interested in the development of novel imaging tools for biological and biomedical applications. The group combines tools from structural and dynamic DNA nanotechnology with single-molecule fluorescence methods, especially targeted towards the development and application of super-resolution microscopy techniques. 

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