Wednesday, 29 April, 2015
Dr. Hanna Engelke joins CeNS as extraordinary member
Hanna Engelke studied physics at Bayreuth University and Exeter University. She did her PhD with Joachim Rädler at LMU Munich working on Fluorescence-Correlation-Spectroscopy and protein-membrane interactions. After her graduation in 2010 she joined Jan Liphardt’s lab at UC Berkeley where she recieved micro- and cellbiology training studying mechanical interactions of cells on collagen and nuclear import in cells as well as in c. elegans. Since 2013 she is back at LMU Munich where she has been establishing her own group in the chemistry department.
Hanna’s research focuses on the mechanical interactions of cells and their environment. Her group uses optogenetics, exosomes and nanotechnology to manipulate behavior of cells and their environment to gain a better understanding of their interactions.
Link to Hanna Engelke's homepage