Thursday, 16 July, 2015
Prof. Matthias Punk joins CeNS as a new member
Matthias Punk studied physics in Innsbruck before moving to TU Muenchen to pursue a Ph.D. in theoretical physics in the group of W. Zwerger, where he graduated in 2010 with a thesis on many-particle physics with ultracold quantum gases. After staying at TU Muenchen for another year as a postdoc he moved to Harvard University in 2011, where he worked on strongly correlated electron systems in the group of S. Sachdev. In 2013 he came back to Innsbruck and joined P. Zoller’s group at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information. Since April 2015 Matthias Punk is an assistant professor for theoretical solid state physics at LMU Muenchen, where he is continuing his work on correlated quantum systems, with an emphasis on cuprate superconductors and exotic states of matter in frustrated quantum magnets.