CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Tuesday, 26 May, 2009


Dr. Manfred Ogris joins CeNS as Extraordinary Member

Dr. Manfred Ogris studied Biotechnology at the University for Applied Live Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna and finished his PhD in 1999. After being a Postdoctoral research fellow and Marie Curie Fellow in the lab of Len Seymour at the CRC Institute for Cancer Studies (Birmingham, UK), Dr. Ogris joined the Department of Pharmacy, LMU, in 2001 were he is independent group leader at the Chair of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology led by Prof Ernst Wagner. The research focus of Dr. Ogris group is tumor targeted delivery of therapeutic nucleic acids. This includes the development of synthetic nucleic acid carriers enabling receptor mediated internalization of such carriers into target cells after systemic administration. With the help of bioluminescence in vivo imaging biodistribution and functionality of such carriers are studied in tumor models in rodents. Additionally, heat inducible gene carriers are developed for targeting them to tumors treated by locoregional hyperthermia.

Website: www.cup.uni-muenchen.de/pb/aks/ewagner/m_ogris.htm