Tuesday, 24 July, 2007
Winners of GO-Bio Competition
Prof. Leonhardt and Dr. Rothbauer receive substantial funding from the BMBF
The GO-Bio competition launched by the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) has selected the winners of the second round of the contest. Together with six other teams, Dr. Ulrich Rothbauer (LMU Biozentrum) and Prof. Heinrich Leonhardt (LMU Biozentrum & CeNS) receive a grant of initially 20 Mio Euro for their Chromobody-Technology. The money should help the winning groups developing a marketable product from their promising scientific concept and, finally, founding a new company. (mcb)
Press releases:
BMBF press release
LMU press release
Abendzeitung, 2.8.2007, S. 21: "LMU-Wissenschaftler gründen eine Firma"
Süddeutsche Zeitung Online