Archive 2012
Tuesday, 17 April, 2012
Bundesverdienstkreuz für Patrick Cramer
Vier Professoren der LMU sind am 16. April vom Bayerischen Wissenschaftsminister Dr. Wolfgang Heubisch mit dem Verdienstkreuz am Bande des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ausgezeichnet worden: der Biochemiker Patrick Cramer, der evangelische Theologe Friedrich Wilhelm Graf sowie die more …
Tuesday, 10 April, 2012
Nanotechnology - Improved Batteries with Carbon Nanoparticles
From smartphones to e-bikes, the number of mobile electronic devices is steadily growing around the world. As a result, there is an increased need for batteries that are small and light, yet powerful. As the potential for the further improvement of lithium-ion batteries is nearly exhausted, experts more …
Friday, 30 March, 2012
Millionenförderung für Forschungsverbund
Solarforschung für die Energiewende more …
Saturday, 17 March, 2012
Wie DNA und Gold die Nanoforschung revolutionieren
Forschern ist es gelungen, aus DNA und Gold maßgeschneiderte Partikel herzustellen
Friday, 16 March, 2012
NanoTemper wins German Innovation Award!
CeNS spin-off excels in the category "Startup" more …
Thursday, 15 March, 2012
Designer lights from the physics lab
Precise tailoring of light beams with DNA origami more …
Wednesday, 07 March, 2012
Introducing plug-and-play nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) more …
Tuesday, 06 March, 2012
CeNS research in a DFG research exhibition
Project of Prof. Jörg Kotthaus and Dr. Eva Weig presented in the German Bundestag more …
Tuesday, 06 March, 2012
Crush hour in the test-tube
Overcrowding spoils the law of mass action more …