Archive 2015
Tuesday, 08 September, 2015
Front runner LMU
LMU Faculty of Physics holds top position in DFG' s funding ranking more …
Thursday, 27 August, 2015
Light-activated learning
A German-French team has developed a light-sensitive switch that regulates a protein implicated in the neurobiology of synaptic plasticity. The agent promises to shed new light on the phenomenology of learning, memory and neurodegeneration.
Learning is made possible by the fact that the more …
Tuesday, 18 August, 2015
Formation of swarms in nanosystems
One of the striking features of self-organization in biomolecular systems is the capacity of assemblies of filamentous particles for synchronous motion. LMU physicists now provide new insights into how such movements are coordinated.
Living matter, which consists largely of diverse polymeric more …
Friday, 17 July, 2015
From fundamental research to application - CeNS Innovation Award 2015
CeNS and four LMU spin-off companies jointly award two innovative theses more …
Tuesday, 14 July, 2015
Light-gated control of cell division
LMU chemists have developed photoresponsive derivatives of an antimitotic drug, which permit light-dependent control of cell division. The new agents could provide the basis for precisely targeted tumor therapies, free of side-effects. more …