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Wednesday, 01 April, 2020

Neurimmune and Ethris Sign Collaboration Agreement to Rapidly Develop Inhaled mRNA-based AntibodyTherapy for the Treatment of Covid-19

CeNS spin-off active against Covid-19

Neurimmune AG and CeNS spin-off Ethris GmbH announced today an exclusive partnership to develop mRNA-encoded, neutralizing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies administered by inhalation for the treatment of Covid-19.The collaboration brings together Neurimmune's expertise in developing human antibodies based on high-throughput immunoglobulin sequence analyses from Covid-19 patients who have recovered from the disease with Ethris' proprietary and unique pulmonarySNIM®RNA therapeutics platform. Both companies will work together to rapidly develop an immunotherapy designed toproduce therapeutic antibodies directly in the lungs of affected patients.

Opens external link in new windowEthris website