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Thursday, 27 April, 2023

Prof. Alena Khmelinskaia becomes new CeNS member


Opens external link in new windowAlena Khmelinskaia received her PhD in Physics from the LMU München for her research work at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry. She moved to the University of Washington as a postdoctoral fellow before taking up an Argelander Junior Professorship at the University of Bonn.

Within 2023, her lab will move to the Chemistry Department at the LMU München, where she has recently accepted the Professorship for Biophysical Chemistry.

 The group of Protein Design and Self-Assembly focuses on dissecting the physical principles of protein self-assembly. While conceptually simple, the phenomenon of self-assembly entails a fine equilibrium of a number of physical properties, which determine the dynamics and structure of the assembly architecture. We combine computational de novo protein design with protein production, in vitro model substrates and biophysical methods to systematically investigate the interplay between different types of interactions in the protein assembly process. Our goal is to create dynamic and responsive protein-based materials, by exploring protein structural flexibility and by coupling assembly to other biological processes.

Welcome Alena!