Press review
Friday, 29 April, 2016
Live is motion
LMU physicists have developed a way to distinguish the random motions of particles in non-living molecular systems from the motility of active living matter. The method affords new insights into fundamental biological processes.
What are the salient physical and chemical properties that more …
Wednesday, 27 April, 2016
Closing the ring
How bacterial cells divide in two is not fully understood. LMU physicists now show that, at high concentrations, a crucial protein can assemble into ring-shaped filaments that constrict the cell, giving rise to two daughter cells.
In the final step in bacterial cell division, constriction of the more …
Tuesday, 19 April, 2016
The systems of biology
Three CeNS groups will work in the new Center for Molecular Biosystems (BioSysM) more …
Tuesday, 05 April, 2016
Photoswitches: A New Addition to the Molecular Toolkit
LMU chemist Dirk Trauner builds photoresponsive molecular switches that enable nerve-cell receptors to be controlled by light. In this way, nerve-cell activity can be switched on and off at will – in the laboratory. “But,” he says, “we hope that our research can be translated into medical more …
Wednesday, 16 March, 2016
Paul Ehrlich und Ludwig Darmstaedter Award for Young Researchers 2016
Former IDK member Claus-Dieter Kuhn wins prestigious award more …
Wednesday, 16 December, 2015
Art project "Origin of life"
Art meets science: Artist Judith Egger and Biophysicist Dieter Braun work together on an art project about the origin of life. more …
Tuesday, 13 October, 2015
Genug getatscht! Touchscreen wird touchless
CeNS-Mitglied Bettina Lotsch entwickelt berührungslosen Touchscreen - Bericht bei der Deutschen Welle vom 13.10.2015 more …