Thursday, 15 November, 2018
DPG Technology Transfer Award
NanoTemper and CeNS/LMU win DPG award 2019
The DPG Technology Transfer Award 2019 goes to the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) and its Systems Biophysics group of Prof. Dieter Braun, the LMU Spin-off Service, and NanoTemper Technologies GmbH, Munich.
They receive the award for NanoTemper's outstanding development of micro-scale thermophoresis, which allows the analysis of extremely low levels of drug ingredients in natural environments, for the successful transfer of this technology to a spin-off, and for the successful commercial exploitation of this technology in drug development. The prize is awarded jointly to the institute from which the technology comes, to the technology transfer manager, and to the technology implementing company.
Source: DPG Pressemitteilung