Thursday, 14 July, 2022
Dr. Sophia Gruber wins Klartext Award 2022
Science Communication Award to former CeNS Student Representative
They explain the development of a new catalyst for the production of bioplastics or how artificial intelligence could strengthen consumer protection on the Internet - this year's winners of the KlarText Award for Science Communication are convincing with particularly successful, generally understandable articles about their doctoral theses. For this, the Klaus Tschira Foundation is awarding the 2022 KlarText Prize to six doctoral candidates. The winners of the KlarText Prize for Science Communication 2022 are:
- Dr. Steffen Breinlinger (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg) in biology,
- Dr. Ruth Rittinghaus (RWTH Aachen University) and Dr. Simon Binder (TU Dresden) in chemistry,
- Dr. Tim Tröndle (ETH Zurich) in geosciences,
- Dr. Daniel Braun (TU Munich) in computer science
- Dr. Sophia Gruber (LMU Munich) in physics.
The spectrum of topics covered by the award-winning work ranges from the catalytic converter mentioned above to online consumer protection. The physics laureate Sophia Gruber from the group of Prof. Jan Lipfert used magnetic tweezers to determine the force with which corona viruses dock onto human cells to infect them. The short summaries of the award-winning articles and the infographic can be found here at a glance.
With the KlarText Prize, the Klaus Tschira Foundation wants to highlight the special value of science communication for research and society, and especially encourage young researchers in the natural sciences and related disciplines to bring their own work to the public. The Klaus Tschira Foundation invites all applicants to intensive two-day practical workshops in which lecturers from the National Institute for Science Communication (NaWik) show how complex issues can be better illustrated in text and images.
Source: Klaus-Tschira-Stiftung