CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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CeNS Travel Award

The Center for NanoScience announces a limited number of Travel Awards for LMU CeNS associates. The travel awards can be used for active participation (talk or poster) in a scientific conference or workshop. Funding up to 1.500 € is provided. The awardees will be selected by the CeNS board.

Who can apply? 
LMU CeNS associates who plan to present their research at a conference or workshop.
PhD students and postdocs must be employed at LMU (exception: scholarship holders).

Submission guideline:
Applicants should fill in the application form and submit it to Susanne Hennig.
Please note that as a maximum two applications per research group and per closing date will be accepted. If there will be more applicants from one group, the group leader will be asked to pre-select two candidates.

Application deadlines 2024:
January 15,
April 15,
July 15, and
October 15.

Awardees 2023

Ecenaz Bilgen, Poster at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting

Ece Büber, Talk at 20th Annual Conference on the Foundations of Nanoscience Utah

Tom Burkart, Talk at STATPHYS28, Tokyo & ICBP, Seoul

Marvin Freitag, Poster at Biophysical Society Meeting San Diego

Fabian Knechtel, Talk at 5th European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers, Granada

Maryam Kurashvili, Poster at the Beilstein Nanotechnology Symposium 2023

Carina Schmitt, Poster/Talk at the Photopharmacology IV, Hong Kong

Dr. Farsane Tabataba-Vakili, Invited Talk at SPIE Optics & Photonics 2023 San Diego

Dr. Samarth Vadia, Talk at META Paris

Ilka Vincon, Talk at STECH23 Vàlencia

Thomas Weber, Talk at SPIE Optics & Photonics 2023 San Diego

Awardees 2022

Mihir Dass, Talk at MRS Fall Meeting Boston  (27.11.-02.12.2022)

Julian Gargiuolo, Talk at NANOPLASM 2022: Frontiers in Plasmonics and Nano-Photonics(13.-17.06.2022)

Andreas Gouder, Discussion leader and poster at Gordon Research Conference & GRS Fundamentals to Applied Electrochemistry, Ventura/USA (10.-16.09.2022)

Matias Herran, Poster at Noble Metals Gordon Research Conference USA (12.-17.06.2022)

Johannes Heyn, Poster at Physics of cells: PhysCell2022 Israel (11.-16.09.2022)

Michael Lichtenegger, Talk at MRS Fall Meeting Boston  (27.11.-02.12.2022)

Thomas Matreux, Talk at oLife Annual Meeting 2022 Groningen (02.-04.11.2022)

Gregor Posnjak, Talk at META 2022 Spain (19.-22.07.2022)

Michael Scheckenbach, Poster at Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Symposium 2022 (29.-31.08.2022)

Lukas Zeisel, Talk at EMBO Workshop "Thiol oxidation in biology: Biochemical mechanisms to physiological outcomes" (80.-13.10.2022)

Awardees 2021

Nina Henke, Contributed talk at MRS Spring Meeting, Honolulu (08.- 13.05.202)

Nicola Kerschbaumer, Talk at SPIE Photonics West OPTO conference, Optical and Quantum Sensing and Precision Metrology II, San Francisco  (22.- 27.01.2021)

Andreas Singldinger, Contributed talk at MRS Spring Meeting, Honolulu  (08.- 13.05.2022)

Luca Sortino, Talk at 2021 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (29.11.- 02.12.2021)

Awardees 2020

Nadja Giesbrecht, NanoGe International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells, Photonics and Optoelectronics, Sevilla (23.02.-25.02.2020)

Charlotte Koschnik, Talk at the Pacifichem 2020, Hawai (15.-20.12.2020) - cancelled

Seunghoon Lee, Talk at the MRS Spring Meeting 2021, Seattle (18.-21.04.2021) - candelled

Andreas Singldinger, Talk at the MRS Spring Meeting 2021, Seattle (18.-21.04.2021) - cancelled

Qi Xue, Talk at the 11th International Conference on Quantum Dots, Munich (7.-11-12.2020) - online

Awardees 2019


Kira Bartnik, Talk at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting 2020, San Diego (15.-19.02.2020)

Magnus Bauer, Talk at the Molecule Biophysics meeting at École de Physique, Les Houches (02.-07.02.2020)

Richard Ciesielski, Poster at the 11th International Conference on Hybrid & Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV19), Rom (12.-15.05.2019)

Nader Danaf, Poster at the MAF Conference in La Jolla, San Diego (20.-24.08.2019)

Jan Felber, Poster at the 3rd Symposium of the SPP1710, San Feliu/Spain (15.-20.09.2019)

Viktorija Glembockyte, Talk at "Methods and Applications of Fluorescence", San Diego (24.-28.08.2019)

Carola Lampe, Talk at the 2019 MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix (22.-26.04.2019)

Joris Messelink, Poster at qBio, San Francisco (31.07.-03.08.2019)

Stefanie Pritzl, Talk at the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (01.-06.12.2019)

Steffen Sedlak, Poster/Talk at the MechanoChemBio 2019, Montreal (29.-31.07.2019)

Florian Selbach,Talk at the ICES2019, Ontario (17.-20.06.2019)

Awardees 2018

Bernhard Bohn,
Talk at SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII, San Francisco (26.01.-03.02.)

David Brückner, Talk at World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin (08.-12.07.2018)

Michael Förg, Poster at WONTON 2018, Japan (08.-12.07.2018)

Federico Gnesotto, Talk at the APS March Meeting 2019, Boston (04.-08.03.2019)

Grzegorz Gradziuk, Talk at the APS March Meeting 2019, Boston (04.-08.03.2019)

Moritz Gramlich, Talk at the 2018 MRS Fall Meeting, (25.-30.11.2018)

Alexandra Götz, Talk at ASM microbe 2018, Atlanta (07.-11.06.2018)

Kerstin Gottschling, Talk at MOF 2018 - Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks & Open Framework Compounds, Auckland/New Zealand (09.-13.12.2018)

Niklas Keller, Talk at MOF 2018 - Conference on Metal-Organic Frameworks & Open Framework Compounds, Auckland/New Zealand (09.-13.12.2018)

Isabella Krämer, Talk at the APS March Meeting 2019, Boston (04.-08.03.2019)

Lukas Milles, Talk at Gordon Research Conference Single Molecule Approaches to Biology, Mount Snow/USA (14.-20.07.2018)

Dr. Himanshu Singh, Talk at NMRS 2017, Mohali/India (16.-18.02.2018)

Awardees 2017

Sidney Becker
Poster at the XVIIIth International Conference on the Origin of Life, San Diego (16.-21.07.2017)

Linda Brützel, Poster at the European Biophysical - EBSA 2017, Edinburgh (16.-20.07.2017)

Irene Grill, Poster at the MRS Fall Meeting Boston (26.11.-01.12.2017)

Franziska Kriegel, Poster at the European Biophysical - EBSA 2017, Edinburgh (16.-20.07.2017)

Claudia Lermer, Talk at the ACS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (02.-06.04.2017)

Christoph Maier, Talk at 2017 MRS Fall MeetingBoston (26.11.-01.12.2017)

Aurora Manzi, Poster at the MRS Fall Meeting Boston (26.11.-01.12.2017)

Matthias Morasch, Talk at the XVIIIth International Conference on the Origin of Life, San Diego (16.-21.07.2017)

Alexandra Murschhauser, Talk or Poster at the 62nd Annual Meeting Biophysical Society, San Francisco (17.-22.02.2018)

Wolfgang Ott, Poster at the European Biophysical Conference, Edinburgh (16.-201.07.2017)

Dr. Michiel Petrius Talk and Poster at the International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV 17), Lausanne (21.-24.05.2017)

Dr. Mauricio Pilo-Pais Talk at the APS March Meeting, New Orleans (13.-17.03.2017)

Dr. Petra Rovo, Talk at the 10th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR, Chamonix (10.-14.09.2017)

Dario Sazcko-Brack, Talk at the DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (19.-24.03.2017)

Florian Schüder, Talk at Focus on Microscopy, Singapur (25.-28.03.2018)

Yinghong Hu, Talk at the Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO) conference 2017, Oxford (18.-20.09.2017)

Thomas Zettl Poster at the Biophysical Society 61th Annual Meeting, New Orleans (11.-15.02.2017)

Awardees 2016

Laura Ascherl
Talk at the MOF, Hilton Long Beach (11.-15.09.2016)

Anders Barth Poster at the Gordon Research Conference on Single Molecule Approaches to Biology, Hong Kong (02.-08.07.2016)

Andreas Binek Talk at the MRS Fall meeting Boston (27.11.-02.12.2016)

Bernhard Böller Poster at the 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Deigo (13.-17.03.2016)

Harald Budde Talk at the EMRS Spring meeting, Lille (02.-06.05.2016)

Mona Calik Talk at the MOF 2016, Hilton Long Beach (11.-15.09.2016)

Alexander Hufnagel Talk at the ALD2016, Dublin (24.-27.07.2016)

Kristina Peters Talk at the XXV International Materials Research Congress 2016, Cancun/Mexiko (14.-19.08.2016)

Torben Sick Talk at the MRS Fall meeting Boston (27.11.-02.12.2016)

Thomas Simon Talk at the SPIE optics+photonics, San Diego (28.08.-01.09.2016)

Katalin Szendrei Talk at the MRS Spring meeting, Phoenix (17.-21.04.2017)

Victor Sojo Talk at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (12.-16.12.2016)

Carla Zensen Poster at the Biophysical Society Meeting, Los Angeles (27.02.-02.03.2016)

Andreas Zimpel Talk at the MOF 2016, Hilton Long Beach (11.-15.09.2016)

Awardees 2015


Fatma Meltem Aygüler - Talk at the E-MRS 2015 Fall Meeting, Warschau (15.-18.09.2015)

Fabian Baumann - Poster at the Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting, LA (27.02.-02.03.2016)

Alesja Ivanova - Talk at 2015 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (06.-10.04.2015)

Dian-Jang Lee - Talk at the 2015 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Annual Meeting, Orlando/USA (25.-29.10.2015)

Klara Malinowska -Poster/Talk at the Gordon Research Conference & Seminar on "Cellulosomes, Cellulases & Other Carbohydrate Modifying Enzymes", USA (01.-07.08.2015)

Peter Röttgermann - Poster at Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting, Baltimore (07.-11.02.2015)

Eva-Maria Roller - Poster at the "Metamaterials'2015 - Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves & Optics" conference, Oxford (07.-12-09.2015)

Katharina Schwinghammer - Talk and Poster at the 1st International Solar Fuels Conference 2015, Uppsala (24.04.-01.05.2015)

Tobias Verdorfer - Poster at the Biophysical Society 60th Annual Meeting, LA (27.02.-02.03.2016)

Fabian Wehnekamp - Poster and Poster Talk at Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting, Baltimore (07.-11.02.2015)

Awardees 2014

Sophia Betzler
at the EMRS Spring Meeting, Lille (26.-30.05.2014)

Benedikt Bruognolo - Poster at the Summer School on "Computational Methods for Quantum Materials", Canada (26.05.-06.06.2014)

Richard Ciesielski - Poster at the NFO13 (Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics, and Related Techniques), Utah (31.08.-04.09.2014)

Ilina Kondofersky - Talk at Solar Fuel Conference, Mallorca (10.-13.03.2015)

Andreas Mader - Talk at the Heraeus-Seminar "Mechanisms, Strategies, and Evolution of Microbial Systems", Bad Honnef (16.-19.06.2014)

Alexander Müller - Invited talk at the PICS 2014, Marseille (27.-31.05.2014)

Philipp Nickels - Poster at the DNA20: DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, Kyoto (22.-26.09.2014)

Dario Saczko-Brack - Poster at Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting, Baltimore (07.-11.02.2015)

Alexandra Schmidt - Talk at the EMRS Spring Meeting, Lille (26.-30.05.2014)

Constantin Schöler - Poster at Biophysical Society 59th Annual Meeting, Baltimore (07.-11.02.2015)

Katharina Stadler - Poster at the Summer School on "Computational Methods for Quantum Materials", Canada (26.05.-06.06.2014)

Linus Stegbauer - Talk at the ACS Autumn National Meeting 2014, San Fransisco (10.-14.08.2014)

Lena Voith von Voithenberg: Two posters at the Gordon Research Conference/Seminar "Single Molecule Approaches to Biology", Italy (12.-18.08.2014)

Markus Weber - Poster at the Santa Barbara Advanced School of Quantitative Biology 2014 Summer Research Course "Microbial Strategies for Survival and Evolution" (21.07.-22.08.2014)

Awardees 2013


Christian Argyo Talk at the Material Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco (01.-05.04.2013)

Florian Auras - Talk at the Material Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco (21.-25.04.2014)

Alvaro Crevenna - Poster and Talk at the ASCB meeting, New Orleans (14.-18.12.2013)

Teresa Dennenwaldt Poster at EDGE (Enhanced Data Generated by Electrons), Sainte-Maxime (26.-31.05.2013)

Sara Kesel Talk at the Bacell Meeting 2013, Newcastle (10.-11.04.2013)

Johannes Knebel - Talk at the March Meeting 2014 of the American Physical Society, Denver (03.-07.03.2014)

Christof Mast - Poster at the Gordon Research Conference on The Origins of Life, Galveston/Texas (12.-17.01.2014)

Nina Mauser - Talk at the Material Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston (01.-06.12.2013)

Michael Nash Talk & Poster at the Gordon Research Conference on Cellulosomes, Cellulases & Other Carbohydrate Modifying Enzymes, Andover (04.-09.08.2013)

Ida Pavlichenko Poster at the Material Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco ( (01.-05.04.2013)

Robert Schreiber Poster at the Programmable Self-Assembly of Matter Conference, New York (29.6.-02.07.2013) - Nature Materials Poster Award

Christian Westermeier - Talk at the Material Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston (01.-06.12.2013)