Dieter Braun
HFSP Grant 2023
Dmitri Efetov
Leibniz Price 2024 of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Benjamin Fingerhut
ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Erwin Frey
DPG Max Planck Medal 2023
ERC Advanced Grant 2023
Amelie Heuer-Jungemann
ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Alexander Högele
ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Olivia Merkel
ERC Consolidator Grant
DDL Emerging Scientist Award
Knut Müller-Caspary
ERC Synergy Grant
Petra Schwille
Mafred Eigen Award for Life Sciences 2023
Andreas Tittl
ERC Starting Grant
ibidi GmbH
German bAV Prize 2023
Prof. Dmitri Efetov
Early Career Scientist Prize in Semiconductor Physics by IUPAP
Dr. Sophia Gruber (AG Lipfert)
KlarText Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation 2022
Prof. Petra Schwille
Otto Warburg Medal 2021
Dr. Oliver Thorn-Seshold
Frontiers in Medical Chemistry Innovation Prize 2022
Prof. Hermann Gaub (LMU)
2021 Class of Fellows of the Biophysical Society
Prof. Jan Lipfert (LMU)
Teaching prize of the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department ("Preis für gute Lehre") 2021
Prof. Olivia Merkel (LMU)
ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2021
Dr. Florian Schüder (LMU/MPI of Biochemistry, now Yale University)
Theodor Hänsch PhD Award of LMU Faculty of Physics 2021
Export Prize Bavaria: Special Edition 2021
Top10 Virology Solution Companies in Europe 2021
NanoTemper Technologies
"Top employer German SMEs 2022" by FOCUS-BUSINESS
One of Germany's most innovative SMEs 2021 - Top 100 List
Red Dot Design Award 2021
PD Dr. Tayebeh Ameri (LMU)
Arnold-Sommerfeld-Prize of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Prof. Thomas Bein (LMU)
joint Elhuyar-Goldschmidt Award of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and the German Chemical Society
Prof. Hanna Engelke (LMU, now Universität Graz)
Römer Preis for Junior Research Groups of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Dr. Isabella Graf (LMU, now Yale University)
Theodor Hänsch PhD Award of LMU Faculty of Physics 2020
Dr. Amelie Heuer-Jungemann (MPI of Biochemistry)
DFG Emmy Noether Grant
Prof. Ralf Jungmann (LMU & MPI of Biochemistry)
ERC Consolidator Grant
Prof. Jan Lipfert (LMU)
ERC Consolidator Grant
Teaching prizes of the Department of Biology, the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Prof. Stefan Maier (LMU)
ACS Nano Lectureship Award
Prof. Olivia Merkel (LMU)
PHOENIX Pharmazie Wissenschaftspreis
Prof. Petra Schwille (MPI of Biochemistry)
Carl Zeiss Lecture Prize
Dr. Friedhelm Serwane (LMU)
ERC Starting Grant
Dr. Andreas Tittl (LMU)
DFG Emmy Noether Grant
Bernhard Böller (AG Wintterlin)
Römerpreis am Department Chemie und Biochemie 2019
Prof. Erwin Frey (LMU)
Kavli Chair 2019 (TU Delft)
Dr. Nadja Giesbrecht (AG Bein)
Römerpreis am Department Chemie und Biochemie 2019
Dr. Ann-Kathrin Henß (AG Wintterlin)
Römerpreis am Department Chemie und Biochemie 2019
Niklas Keller (AG Bein)
Römerpreis am Department Chemie und Biochemie 2019
Dr. Ulrich Lächelt (LMU)
Galenus Technology Prize 2019
Dr. Lukas Milles (AG Gaub)
Promotionsförderpreis 2019 der Münchener Universitätsgesellschaft
NanoTemper Technologies, Center for NanoScience, Prof. Dieter Braun and LMU Spin-off Service
DPG Technology Transfer Award 2019
Dr. Sören Reinhard (AG Wagner)
Abbvie Promotionspreis 2019
Dr. Laura Ascherl
Römer Award 2018 for her PhD thesis
Anders Barth
Römer Award 2018 for his PhD thesis
Prof. Thomas Bein
2018 Lifetime Achievement Award (IMMA)
Prof. Dieter Braun (LMU)
ERC Advanced Grant
Dr. Hanna Engelke (LMU)
Arnold-Sommerfeld-Preis of the Bayrische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Prof. Peter Hänggi (Augsburg University)
Blaise Pascal Medal in Physics by the Euroean Academy of Science
Prof. Alexander Högele (LMU)
ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Dr. Yinghong Hu
Römer Award 2018 for her PhD thesis
Dr. Alexander Hufnagel
Römer Award 2018 for his PhD thesis
Prof. Ralf Jungmann (LMU/MPI for Biochemistry)
Human Frontier Science Program Collaborative Research Grant
Prof. Heinrich Leonhardt (LMU)
Leibniz Gründerpreis 2018 for the start-up company "Tubulis Technologies"
Prof. Tim Liedl (LMU)
ERC Consolidator Grant
Prof. Jan Lipfert (LMU)
Preis für Gute Lehre (LMU Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy)
Dr. Petar Marinkovic (LMU)
GO-Bio Biotechnology Award
Dr. Katalin Szendrei-Temesi
Römer Award 2018 for her PhD thesis
Dr. Johannes Wöhrstein and Dr. Heinrich Grabmayr (LMU)
GO-Bio Biotechnology Award
Prof. Thomas Carell (LMU)
ERC Advanced Grant
Prof. Hendrik Dietz (TUM)
ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Prof. Alexander Högele (LMU)
ERC Consolidator Grant 2017
Prof. Ralf Jungmann (LMU/MPI of Biochemistry)
Allen Distinguished Investigator
ERC Proof of Concept Grant
Dr. Dian-Jang Lee (LMU)
Abbvie PhD Award 2017
Dr. Alexander Urban (LMU)
ERC Starting Grant
Prof. Ernst Wagner (LMU)
Membership in the CRS College of Fellows
Membership in the European Academy of Sciences
NanoTemper Technologies
Innovator of the Year (TOP 100 competition / SMEs in Germany)
Tubulis Technologies (Prof. Heinrich Leonhardt)
m4 Award
Kira Bartnik (AG Lamb, LMU)
Römer award 2016 for master's thesis
Prof. Dieter Braun (LMU)
CAS Research group
Prof. Thomas Carell (LMU)
Inhoffen Medal 2016
Dr. Richard Ciesielski (AG Hartschuh, LMU)
Römer award 2016 for PhD thesis
Prof. Hendrik Dietz (TUM)
ERC Consolidator Grant 2016
Prof. Gregor Cevc
Science Ambassador of Republic Slovenia
Dr. Ksenia Fominykh (AG Bein, LMU)
Römer award 2016 for PhD thesis
Dr. James Frank (AG Trauner, LMU)
Römer award 2016 for PhD thesis
Prof. Peter Hänggi (Uni Augsburg)
Dr. h.c. Lobachevsky University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Prof. Ralf Jungmann (LMU / MPI of Biochemistry)
Grant from the Max Planck Foundation
Prof. Christian Ochsenfeld (LMU)
Preis für gute Lehre an Bayerns Universitäten
Dr. Katharina Schwinghammer (AG Lotsch, LMU)
Römer award 2016 for PhD thesis
Prof. Fritz Simmel (TUM)
ERC Advanced Grant 2016
Rozenberg Tulip Award in DNA Computing
Dr. Linus Stegbauer (AG Lotsch, LMU)
Römer award 2016 for PhD thesis
Prof. Dirk Trauner (LMU)
Emil-Fischer- Medaille 2016 of the GDCh
Otto-Bayer-Preis 2016 of the Bayer Science & Education Foundation
Dr. Alexander Urban (LMU)
LMUexcellent Junior Researcher Grant
Dr. Lena Voith v. Voithenberg (AG Lamb, LMU)
Römer award 2016 for PhD thesis
ibidi GmbH
"Deutschland: Land der Ideen 2016"
Dr. Malgorzata Borowiak (AG Trauner)
Römer award 2015 for postdoctoral research
Prof. Dieter Braun and Judith Egger
Kunstpreis "zwei:eins"
Prof. Christoph Bräuchle
Walther-Nernst-Denkmünze by the Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft
Dr. Alesja Ivanova (AG Bein)
Römer award 2015 for PhD thesis
Dr. Ralf Jungmann
ERC Starting Grant 2015
Dr Sandra Koch (AG Carell)
Römer award 2015 for PhD thesis
Dr. Laura Laprell (AG Trauner)
Römer award 2015 for PhD thesis
Dr. Michael Nash
HFSP Young Investigator Grant 2015
Dr. Keyarash Sadeghian (AG Ochsenfeld)
Römer award 2015 for postdoctoral research
Prof. Fritz Simmel
ERC Advanced Grant 2015
Prof. Dirk Trauner
Morris S. Kharasch Visiting Professor, University of Chicago
Novartis Chemistry Lectureship
attocube systems
"Best of Industry" Award 2015
Dr. Carlo Bäjen (AG Cramer, LMU)
Römer award 2014 for PhD thesis
Prof. Andreas Bausch (TUM)
Academy Prize Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Prof. Dieter Braun (LMU)
Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life Award
Dr. Johannes Broichhagen (AG Trauner, LMU)
Römer award 2014 for PhD thesis
Prof. Hendrik Dietz (TUM)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2015
Dr. Carsten Grashoff (MPI of Biochemistry)
Leopoldina Early Career Award 2014
Prof. Peter Hänggi (Uni Augsburg)
Elected member of the European Academy of Science
Prof. Bettina Lotsch (LMU
ERC Starting Grant 2014
Dr. Nina Mauser (AH Hartschuh, LMU)
Römer award 2014 for PhD thesis
ibidi GmbH
Seal of quality "Innovativ durch Forschung" of the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft
Nanion Technologies
Nominee for the Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2014 of the Federal President
New Jersey Business Incubation Network's Award 2014
NanoTemper Technologies GmbH
Deutscher Gründerpreis 2014
"BioProcess Award 2014"
Dr. Thomas Faust (AG Kotthaus, LMU)
attocube research award 2013 for PhD thesis
Dr. Johann Feckl (AG Bein, LMU)
attocube research award 2013 for PhD thesis
Römer award 2013 for PhD thesis
Prof. Jochen Feldmann (LMU)
Nanonica-Prize 2013
Prof. Alexander Högele (LMU)
ERC Starting Grant
Dr. Michael Lidschreiber (AG Cramer, LMU)
Römer award 2013 for PhD thesis
Prof. Tim Liedl (LMU)
ERC Starting Grant
Dr. Frauke Mickler (AG Bräuchle, LMU)
Römer award 2013 for PhD thesis
Friederike Möller (AG Braun, LMU)
attocube research award 2013 for Master's thesis
Eva-Maria Roller (AG Liedl, LMU)
attocube research award 2013 for Master's thesis
Dr. Bastian Rühle (AG Bein, LMU)
Römer award 2013 for PhD thesis
Prof. Petra Schwille (MPI of Biochemistry)
Suffrage Science Award 2013, MRC-CSC
Elected member of EMBO and of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Prof. Friedrich Simmel (TUM)
elected member of the National Academy of Science and Technology (acatech)
Prof. Dirk Trauner (LMU)
2013 Kitasato Microbial Chemistry Medal
attocube systems AG
TOP100 Innovation Award
ChromoTek GmbH
Industriepreis 2013
GNA Biosolutions
German Venture Award 2013
ibidi GmbH
innovationspreis der Deutschen Wirtschaft 2013 (KMU Kategorie)
NanoTemper Technologies GmbH
Exportpreis Bayern 2013 (Kategorie Industrie)
Neaspec GmbH
Microscopy Innovation Award 2013 for nano-FTIR
STEP award competition 2013
Top 10 finalist of the Deutscher Gründerpreis 2013
Prof. Thomas Bein (LMU)
ERC Advanced Grant
Prof. Patrick Cramer (LMU)
Paula und Richard von Hertwig-Preis
Vallee Foundation Visiting Professorship
Prof. Hendrik Dietz (TUM)
Dr. Christian Dohmen (AG Wagner, LMU)
Attocube Research Award for PhD thesis
Prof. Jochen Feldmann (LMU)
Elected member of Leopoldina
Prof. Alexander Holleitner (TUM)
ERC Consolidator Grant
PD Dr. Markus Lackinger (TUM)
Publication award of the Deutsches Museum
Prof. John Lupton (Uni Regensburg)
ERC Starting Grant
Prof. Christian Ochsenfeld (LMU)
Mulliken Lecture 2012 at the University of Georgia, USA
Adriano de Andrade Torrano (AG Bräuchle, LMU)
Attocube Research Award for Master's thesis
Prof. Ernst Wagner (LMU)
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Controlled Release Society (CRS)
NanoTemper Technologies
Deutscher Innovationspreis 2012
STEP Award 2012
Andreas Bausch
Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Dieter Braun
Klung-Wilhelmy-Weberbank-Preis 2011
Patrick Cramer
Feldberg Foundation Prize
Enrico Da Como
Young Talent TOTAL Award of the European Materials Research Society 2011
Hermann Gaub
Advanced Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Achim Hartschuh
Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Peter Hänggi
The Lars Onsager Lecture and the Onsager medal for 2011
Thorsten Hugel
Rudolf-Kaiser-Award 2011
Christian Plank
GO Bio Award of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 2011
Eva Maria Weig
Academy Prize for Physics of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences 2011
Achim Wixforth
IFCS C.B. Sawyer Memorial Award 2011
Dieter Braun
Starting Independent Researcher Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Thomas Carell
Bundesverdienstkreuz (Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Hendrik Dietz
Starting Independent Researcher Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Arnold-Sommerfeld-Preis 2010
Thomas Faust
Attocube-WITTENSTEIN Research Award for Diploma thesis
Jochen Feldmann
Advanced Investigators Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Rainer Hillenbrand
Starting Independent Researcher Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Thomas Klar
Starting Independent Researcher Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Jens Michaelis
Nernst-Haber-Bodenstein-Preis der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft
Ralf Metzler
Finland Distinguished Professorship, Academy of Finland
Roland Netz
Philip Tinnefeld
Starting Independent Researcher Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Jan Vogelsang & Franz Weinert
Attocube-WITTENSTEIN Research Award for PhD thesis
Patrick Cramer
Bayer Science & Education Foundation, Familie-Hansen-Preis 2009
Ernst-Jung Award for Medicine 2009
Fritz Keilmann
Kenneth J Button Prize 2009
Khaled Karrai
Rudolf-Diesel-Fellowship of the TU Munich
Martin Kroner
PhD Award of the LMU Munich
Florian Marquardt
Walter-Schottky Preis 2009
Jens Michaelis
Starting Independent Researcher Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Rossitza Pentcheva
Therese von Bayern Award
Matthias Schneider
Starting Independent Researcher Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
Sebastian Stapfner
Attocube-WITTENSTEIN Research Award for Master Thesis
Nanion Technologies
Deutscher Gründerpreis 2009
STEP Award 2009
NanoTemper Technologies
Elias Puchner & Qian Huihong
Attocube-WITTENSTEIN Research Award for PhD thesis
Thomas Carell
Otto-Bayer-Preis 2008
Matthias Christandl
AMOP Dissertation Award (DPG) 2008
Patrick Cramer
Bijvoet Medal 2008, University of Utrecht
Hendrik Dietz
Deutscher Studienpreis 2008
Wolfgang Heckl
Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Heinrich Leonhardt
Binder-Innovation-Award of the German Society for Cell Biology
John Lupton
David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowship
attocube systems AG
Deutscher Gründerpreis 2008
Münchner Gründerpreis 2008
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award
Ausgewählter Ort im "Land der Ideen"
Philipp Baaske, Stefan Duhr
Winners of the LMU Ideas Competition
Prof. Patrick Cramer
Philip Morris Forschungspreis 2007
Prof. Jörg P. Kotthaus
Bayerischer Verdienstorden 2007
Prof. Heinrich Leonhardt and Dr. Ulrich Rothbauer
Winners of GO-Bio Competition
M. F. Schneider / Advalytix / ibidi
Forschungspreis für innovative Medizintechnik
Prof. Thomas Carell
Philip Morris Forschungspreis 2006
Novartis Middle European Lecturer 2006
Prof. Patrick Cramer
Leibniz-Preis 2006 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Dr. Irmgard Frank and Dr. Don Lamb
Preis der Dr. Klaus Römer-Stiftung des Dept. Chemie und Biochemie der LMU
Dipl. Phys. Hendrik Dietz
Wissenschaftspreis 2006 der Schweizer Chorafas Stiftung für hervorragende Forschung für seine Promotionsarbeit "Cysteine engineered poly proteins - A new tool for protein biophysics"
Prof. John Lupton
Max Auwärter Preis der Max Auwärter Stiftung, verliehen durch die Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft in Anerkennung herausragender Leistung in der Physik dünner Schichten
PD Dr. Friedrich Simmel
Young Investigators Award 2006 of the Human Frontier Science Program
attocube systems AG
Bayerischer Innovationspreis 2006
Dr. Andrey Rogach
Walton Award, Science Foundation Ireland
Dr. Thomas Klar
Feodor-Lynen-Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Dipl. Phys. Hendrik Dietz
Scientific Award, BMW Group
Dr. Niels Fertig
Nanoscience Award 2005, HanseNanoTec
Nanion Technologies GmbH
Bavarian Innovation Award "Bavarian small/medium enterprise of the year 2005"
Prof. Wolfgang Heckl
Descartes Prize for Science Communication
Prof. Thomas Carell
Leibniz Preis der DFG 2004
Dr. Berenike Maier
DFG Junior Groups (Emmy Noether Program)
Dr. Dieter Braun
DFG Junior Groups (Emmy Noether Program)
Dr. Alex Holleitner
Dissertation prize of the LMU München
Staatsregierung fördert CeNS:
Internationales Doktorandenkolleg:
NanoBioTechnology (IDK-NBT) initiiert durch Christoph Bräuchle, Joachim Rädler
Prof. Patrick Cramer
EMBO long-term fellowship (A. Meinhart) 2003Boehringer Ingelheim PhD fellowship (T. Kamenski) 2003
Dr. Niels Fertig
IKuh-Award (Nanotechnology-Award), 1st prize
Dr. Rainer Hillenbrand
IKuh-Award (Nanotechnology-Award), 3rd prize
Prof. Matthias Rief
Nanowissenschaftspreis des Kompetenzzentrums HanseNanoTec
Prof. Ulrich Schubert
NWO VICI award
Carsten Sönnichsen
Promotionspreis 2003 der Münchner Universitätsgesellschaft
für seine Doktorarbeit "Plasmons in metal nanostructure
Dr. Robert Stark
BMBF Young Scientist Competition Nanotechnology
Prof. Achim Wixforth und die Firma Advalytix
First BioTrends Award 2003
wird Bayerns Mittelstandsbetrieb des Jahres
Prof. Christoph Bräuchle
Karl Heinz Beckurts-Preis 2002
Christoph Bräuchle wird Mitglied der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Prof. Wolfgang M. Heckl
Communicator Prize of German Research Society
PD Dr. Klaus Meerholz
Erich-Schott award 2002
Visiting professor, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg/France
Dr. Friedrich Simmel
Emmy-Noether-Stipendium der DFG
Prof. Achim Wixforth
Anerkennungspreis der Bayerischen IHK