CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Research Cooperation

CeNS stimulates and supports research cooperation - crossing the borders between disciplines and different institutions. Shared knowledge and know-how as well as continuous discussions between the members of the network promote synergy effects which boost scientific progress. CeNS continuously provides a multitude of different occasions for the researchers to meet and exchange ideas during scientific meetings and social events. Furthermore, the scientific board awards funding for cooperation projects of scientists belonging to different CeNS groups.

The successful collaborative research work between different CeNS scientists from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy and Medicine leads to joint research papers published in high-impact journals. The following list shows a selection of recently published cooperative papers:

Controlling The Mobility Of Oligonucleotides In The Nanochannels Of Mesoporous Silica

T. Lebold, A. Schlossbauer, K. Schneider, L. Schermelleh, H. Leonhardt, T. Bein, and C. Bräuchle - Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 106-112 (2012) more …

pH-Responsive Release of Acetal-Linked Melittin from SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica

A. Schlossbauer, C. Dohmen, D. Schaffert, E. Wagner, and T. Bein - Angew. Chem. Int. Edition, Vol. 50 (30), pp. 6828-6830 (2011) more …

Emergence of Information Transmission in a Prebiotic RNA Reactor

B. Obermayer, H. Krammer, D. Braun, and U. Gerland - Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 107 (1), 018101 (2011) more …

Chemotactic cell trapping in controlled alternating gradient fields

B. Meier, A. Zielinski, C. Weber, D. Arcizet, S. Youssef, T. Franosch, J. O. Rädler, and D. Heinrich - PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1014853108, published online: 27 June 2011 more …

Single-particle Tracking as a Quantitative Microscopy-based Approach to Unravel Cell Entry Mechanisms of Viruses and Pharmaceutical Nanoparticles

N. Ruthardt, D. C. Lamb, and C. Bräuchle - Molecular Therapy, Vol. 19 (7), pp. 1199-1211 (2011) more …

Mechanisms and advancement of antifading agents for fluorescence microscopy and single-molecule spectroscopy

T. Cordes, A. Maiser, C. Steinhauer, L. Schermelleh and P. Tinnefeld - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Vol. 13 (14), pp. 6699-6709 (2011) more …

Live-cell visualization of dynamics of HIV budding site interactions with an ESCRT component

V. Baumgärtel, S. Ivanchenko, A. Dupont, M. Sergeev, P. W. Wiseman, H.-G. Kräusslich, C. Bräuchle, B. Müller, and D. C. Lamb - Nature Cell Biology, doi:10.1038/ncb2215, published online: 10 Mar 2011 more …

Single-Molecule FRET Ruler Based on Rigid DNA Origami Blocks

I. H. Stein, V. Schüller, P. Böhm, P. Tinnefeld, and T. Liedl - ChemPhysChem, Vol. 12 (3), pp. 689695 (2011) more …

Visualization of the self-assembly of silica nanochannels reveals growth mechanism

C. Jung, P. Schwaderer, M. Dethlefsen, R. Köhn, J. Michaelis, and C. Bräuchle - Nature Nanotech., Vol. 6 (2), pp. 86-91 (2011) more …

Sequence-dependent unfolding kinetics of DNA hairpins studied by nanopore force spectroscopy

S. Renner, A. Bessonov, U. Gerland, and F. C. Simmel - J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, Art. No. 454119 (2010) more …