CeNS Center for NanoScience LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
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Selected publications 2015

Plasmons in graphene moire superlattices

G.X. Ni, H. Wang, J.S. Wu, Z. Fei, M.D. Goldflam, F. Keilmann, B. Özyilmaz, A.H. Castro-Neto, X.M. Xie, M.M. Fogler, and D.N. Basov - doi: Nature Materials, DOI:10.1038/NMAT4425 (2015)  more …

Versatile and Efficient Site-Specific Protein Functionalization by Tubulin Tyrosine Ligase

D. Schumacher, J. Helma, F. A. Mann, G. Pichler, F. Natale, E. Krause, C. Cardoso, C. P. R. Hackenberger & H. Leonhardt - Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 10.1002/anie.201505456 (2015)  more …

Touchless Optical Finger Motion Tracking Based on 2D Nanosheets with Giant Moisture Responsiveness

K. Szendrei, P. Ganter, O. Sànchez-Sobrado, R. Eger, A. Kuhn and B. V. Lotsch - Advanced Materials DOI: 10.1002/adma.201503463 (2015)  more …

An eight-step synthesis of epicolactone reveals its biosynthetic origin

P. Ellerbrock, N. Armanino, M. K. Ilg, R. Webster & D. Trauner - Nature Chemistry doi:10.1038/nchem.2336 (2015)  more …

Ultrasmall Co3O4 Nanocrystals Strongly Enhance Solar Water Splitting on Mesoporous Hematite

J. M. Feckl, H. K. Dunn, P. M. Zehetmaier, A. Müller, S. R. Pendlebury, P. Zeller, K. Fominykh, I. Kondofersky, M. Döblinger, J. R. Durrant, C. Scheu, Laurence Peter, D. Fattakhova‐Rohlfing, and T. Bein - ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES, 2 (18):10.1002/admi.201500358 (2015)  more …

Lissajous Rocking Ratchet: Realization in a Semiconductor Quantum Dot

S. Platonov, B. Kästner, H. W. Schumacher, S. Kohler, and S. Ludwig - Physical Review Letters dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.106801 (2015)  more …

Optical control of NMDA receptors with a diffusible photoswitch

L. Laprell, E. Repak, V. Franckevicius, F. Hartrampf, J. Terhag, M. Hollmann, M. Sumser, N. Rebola, D. A. DiGregorio & D. Trauner - Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms9076 (2015)  more …

Graphene-based platform for infrared near-field nanospectroscopy of water and biological materials in an aqueous environment

O. Khatib, J.D. Wood, A.S. Mcleod, M.D. Goldflam, M. Wagner, G.L. Damhorst, J.C. Koepke, G.P. Doidge, A. Rangarajan, R. Bashir, E. Pop, J.W. Lyding, M.H. Thiemens, F. Keilmann, and D.N. Basov - ACS Nano 9, 7968-7975 (2015)  more …

Tunneling plasmonics in Bilayer Graphene

Z. Fei, E.G. Iwinski, G.X. Ni, L.M. Zhang, W. Bao, A.S. Rodin, Y. Lee, M. Wagner, M.K. Liu, S. Dai, M.D. Goldflam, M. Thiemens, F. Keilmann, C.N. Lau, A.H. Castro-Neto, M.M. Fogler, and D.N. Basov - Nanoletters 15, 4973-4978 (2015)  more …

DNA-Based Self-Assembly of Fluorescent Nanodiamonds

Zhang, T; Neumann, A; Lindlau, J; Wu, YZ; Prarnanik, G; Naydenov, B; Jelezko, F; Schuder, F; Huber, S; Huber, M; Stehr, F; Hogele, A; Weil, T; and Liedl, T JACS doi:10.1021/jacs.5b04857 (2015)  more …