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Tuesday, 15 November, 2016

From Au-Thiolate Chains to Thioether Sierpiriski Triangles: The Versatile Surface Chemistry of 1,3,5-Tris(4-mercaptophenyl)benzene on Au(111)

A. Kedrov, S. Wickles, A. H. Crevenna, E. O. van der Sluis, R. Buschauer, O. Berninghausen, D. C. Lamb and R. Beckmann -
Cell Reports, 10.1016/j.celrep.2016.11.059 (2016)

Self-assembly of 1,3,5-tris(4-mercaptophenyl)benzene (TMB), a 3-fold symmetric, thiol-functionalized aromatic molecule, was studied on Au(111) with the aim of realizing extended Au–thiolate-linked molecular architectures. The focus lay on resolving thermally activated structural and chemical changes by a combination of microscopy and spectroscopy. Thus, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) provided submolecularly resolved structural information, while the chemical state of sulfur was assessed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Directly after room-temperature deposition, only less well ordered structures were observed. Mild annealing promoted the first structural transition into ordered molecular chains, partly organized in homochiral molecular braids. Further annealing led to self-similar Sierpiński triangles, while annealing at even higher temperatures again resulted in mostly disordered structures. Both the irregular aggregates observed at room temperature and the chains were identified as metal–organic assemblies, whereby two out of the three intermolecular binding motifs are energetically equivalent according to density functional theory (DFT) simulations. The emergence of Sierpiński triangles is driven by a chemical transformation, i.e., the conversion of coordinative Au–thiolate to covalent thioether linkages, and can be further understood by Monte Carlo simulations. The great structural variance of TMB on Au(111) can on one hand be explained by the energetic equivalence of two binding motifs. On the other hand, the unexpected chemical transition even enhances the structural variance and results in thiol-derived covalent molecular architectures.

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