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Friday, 13 November, 2015

MOF nanoparticles coated by lipid bilayers and their uptake by cancer cells

S. Wuttke, S. Braig, T. Preiss, A. Zimpel, J. Sicklinger, C. Bellomo, J. Raedler, A. Vollmar, T. Bein -
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 51 (87):15752-15755; 10.1039/c5cc06767g (2015)

We report the synthesis of MOF@lipid nanoparticles as a versatile and powerful novel class of nanocarriers based on metal- organic frameworks (MOFs). We show that the MOF@lipid system can effectively store dye molecules inside the porous scaffold of the MOF while the lipid bilayer prevents their premature release. Efficient uptake of the MOF@lipid nanoparticles by cancer cells makes these nanocarriers promising for drug delivery and diagnostic purposes.

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