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Wednesday, 11 May, 2016

Nanoparticles: Influence of Surface Modifications on the Spatiotemporal Microdistribution of Quantum Dots In Vivo

K. Nekolla, K. Kick, S. Sellner, K. Mildner, S. Zahler, D. Zeuschner, F. Krombach and M. Rehberg -
Small, 10.1002/smll.201670100 (2016)

K. Nekolla, M. Rehberg, and co-workers investigate the microdistribution of surface modified quantum dots in vivo. As depicted, microinjected carboxyl quantum dots into tissue attach to muscle and collagen fibers, as well as endothelial basement membranes. In conclusion the study indicates that the choice of surface modification guides the distribution of quantum dots in the tissue.

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