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Friday, 22 April, 2016

Ubiquity of Exciton Localization in Cryogenic Carbon Nanotubes

M. S. Hofmann, J. Noé, A. Kneer, J. J. Crochet and A. Högele -
Nano Letters, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b04901 (2016)

We present photoluminescence studies of individual semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes at room and cryogenic temperatures. From the analysis of spatial and spectral features of nanotube photoluminescence, we identify characteristic signatures of unintentional exciton localization. Moreover, we quantify the energy scale of exciton localization potentials as ranging from a few to a few tens of millielectronvolts and stemming from both environmental disorder and shallow covalent side-wall defects. Our results establish disorder-induced crossover from the diffusive to the localized regime of nanotube excitons at cryogenic temperatures as a ubiquitous phenomenon in micelle-encapsulated and as-grown carbon nanotubes.

Article on journal´s webpage