Counseling and Support
As a first point of contact, feel free to get in touch with Dr. Susanne Hennig at the CeNS office. Depending on the topic, she will assist you in getting advice and support.
In case of conflict, you can get in touch directly with the CeNS Ombudsperson for informal, independent and confidential counseling.
At the GraduateCenterLMU you can get individual advice on doctoral studies at LMU Munich. The focus is on non subject-specific issues of a doctorate. Consultation may address, for example, the following topics:
- Orientation and first steps towards a doctorate at LMU Munich
- Decision-making
- Time and Self-Management
- Challenges in relation to supervision
- Preparation for difficult conversations, dealing with conflictual situations
- Developing vistas for professional and personal perspectives (career/life path)
The GraduateCenterLMU also offers
transferable skills workshops for doctoral researchers at LMU.